The Laws of Code: Fighting for Ethics in Algorithms
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Algorithms influence our daily lives quietly without us knowing. They determine what gets displayed on our newsfeeds, which jobs we get interviewed for and for which loans we are eligible. But what are the consequences of machines judging people?
Securing Data in the Cloud
eperi GmbH
With sensitive data being stored online rather than on premise, the cloud comes with a unique set of characteristics that make it vulnerable.
Security for the Internet of Things
Based in Cologne, Berlin and Munich, the startup Ubirch reimagines the Internet of Things as the Blockchain of Things by applying hard, military-grade cryptography and blockchain technology.
SaaS Security Solutions
Based in the Würzburg area of Germany, COREDINATE GmbH is a software company that specializes in cloud-based SaaS (software as a service) solutions for security services.
Small Talk, Big Game
Bringing a Startup to the U.S.
The biggest difference between business in the US and Germany? According to two German startup founders, it’s not tax laws, investment models or mindsets. It’s small talk.
The How-To Guide
Moving Your Business Across the Atlantic
Have a US startup you want to take to Europe? German startup founder looking at the US? We’ve compiled all your resources in one spot!
© Nathalie Schueller
Guest ArticleComparing the German and American Start-up Scenes
Young and innovative entrepreneurs are pushing into the markets in the US and Germany alike. How do the start-up scenes in the two countries differ? In this guest contribution, Dr. Kurt Becker, Vice Dean for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship at NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering and Chairman of the DWIH New York Board, finds our answers.
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