Five questions with Dr. Max Jungmann
Meet the Speaker of our Scenario Workshop on June 17
Dr. Max Jungmann will be the speaker for the interactive scenario workshop “The Future of Climate Action”, co-organised by the Heidelberg University Association, Hasso-Plattner-Institute (HPI), Momentum Novum, Climate Action Summit (CAS) and the DWIH New York. In a short interview, he tells us about his background, what motivates him at work and what participants of the workshop can expect.
Research at the Universität Hamburg
Risks of Energy Production: From Where Should we Import Hydrogen?
Green hydrogen production requires water and renewable energy. The southern hemisphere presents particularly good geophysical conditions. Prof. Dr. Franziska Müller is investigating the risks that need to be considered in countries such as South Africa, Morocco, or Chile as part of the German Research Foundation funded research project H2POLITICS.
Interview with Dr. Kathrin Breuing
The Future of Knowledge Sharing
Dr. Kathrin Breuing is Independent Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Economics at the University of Konstanz (Chair of Business and Economics Education, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas Deißinger). She held a substitute professorship in Business and Economics Education at the University of Hohenheim/Stuttgart. Her research interests include knowledge work, digital transformation and workplace learning in the 21st century. In an interview we chat about work and COVID-19, demographic changes, the German vocational model and more.
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