© iStock
Avoiding a Viral Vacation
After more than three months at home, people are eager to get back to some semblance of normal life and to enjoy their summers, but experts and data show us we must be cautious when traveling.
© iStock
Herd Immunity or Another Lockdown?Germany Moves Ahead with Antibody Testing
Across Germany and many parts of the U.S., life is slowly starting to resume, albeit in new ways. Shops and restaurants are opening, small groups of friends are getting together and people are heading back to work. But along with the new normal comes yet another largely uncharted territory: antibody testing.
© Forschungszentrum Juelich/Hendrik Fuchs
Juelich Institute of Energy and Climate ResearchBuilding the Atmosphere
Scientists at the Juelich Institute of Energy and Climate Research are investigating the intermingling of natural and man-made gases in the atmosphere using the simulation chamber SAPHIR.
© Shutterstock
LPJmL Model, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact ResearchBiosphere Modeling to Feed the World
Using an innovative biosphere model, researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) have determined that with agricultural reforms the earth can feed 10 billion people.
© BioMedX
BioMedXHacking DNA Repair to Combat Cancer
Dr. Balca Mardin and her team of eight junior researchers at BioMedX in Heidelberg are investigating how drugs can target specific DNA repair pathways to prevent cancer.
German Innovation Tackles COVID-19
The world is waiting for a breakthrough vaccine against COVID-19. The German biotechs CureVac and BioNTech are among the companies leading these efforts.
Germany’s “Future of Work” Campaign
Hosted by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), the “Future of Work” campaign seeks to acquire international cooperation from three countries on topics such as education and big data, industry and networking, workplace and society and more.
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