News from Campus OWL
WestAI – New Service Center for AI in NRW
WestAI is one of four service centers across Germany that offer companies and research institutions access to AI applications. The service center “WestAI” is a consortium of scientific organizations in North Rhine-Westphalia led by the University of Bonn. Paderborn University, TU Dortmund, Fraunhofer, FZ Jülich, RWTH Aachen are part of the consortium. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funds “WestAI” from November 2022 to December 2025.
News from Universität Hamburg
Universität Hamburg Delegation Visits Strategic Partner Universities in the United States
President Prof. Dr. Hauke Heekeren and a delegation from the University visited strategic partner universities in the United States from 6 to 10 November. The focus of the visit to Indiana University in Bloomington and Northwestern University in Evanston was on new international cooperation formats and projects for students, research, and administration.
News from UA Ruhr
Regulating Emotions Under Stress
How do men and women regulate their emotions under stress? A new study in cognitive psychology that makes use of the socially evaluated cold-pressor test has answered this question.
News from UA Ruhr
Strong Start for the Research Alliance Ruhr
With around 100 guests from the realms of politics and science, the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr) celebrated the opening of the Research Alliance Ruhr in Essen on October 24, 2023. Founded in 2021, on the initiative of the Ruhr Conference, 50 joint research professorships are being established here to address pressing questions about the future. NRW Science Minister, Ina Brandes, praised the successful collaboration between Ruhr-Universität Bochum, the University of Duisburg-Essen, and TU Dortmund University.
News from the University of Freiburg
Raw Material Requirements for Reducing Global Poverty Calculated for the First Time
Researchers at the University of Freiburg quantify the amount of material needed to enable people to live without poverty. Nutrition and mobility patterns have major impact on resource demand. Many people could be lifted out of poverty with just a fraction of the raw material consumption of wealthy countries.
News from the University of Cologne
The New University of Cologne Rectorate Takes Office Under the Direction of Professor Mukherjee
As of October 1, 2023, DAAD President Professor Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee is the new Rector of the University of Cologne. In addition, a newly elected team of Vice-Rectors takes up the operational divisions.
News from the Hasso-Plattner-Institute (HPI)
Study a Master’s Program in Germany
Study right next to Berlin at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute, one of the most innovative IT institutes in Germany.
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