AAAS Annual Meeting

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This spring we will visit AAAS again!

This year’s theme: Science Transcending Boundaries

How can science help address the many divisions in our communities, in global society, and in science itself? Science plays a unique and important role in how people see and understand the world, and how lines and distinctions are drawn. At this Annual Meeting, we look for ways science is bringing together people, ideas, and solutions from across real and artificial borders, disciplines, sectors, ideologies, and traditions.

How can science working across boundaries improve its ability to find solutions to the pressing problems of our age? How can scientists, wherever they work, more effectively engage with the broader society? How can we find better ways to engage the public, especially in expanding access to science and scientific careers? At the international level, science diplomacy builds bridges between countries. How can we encourage more of this, and utilize science as a common ground more locally as well? Can science contribute information that might reduce or mitigate the starkly divergent interests of different populations and demographics, such as urban and rural communities? What boundaries most impede your research or your career?

While acknowledging that some boundaries are useful and necessary, the meeting theme considers how research can be applied to problematic separations in the world, and how unhelpful boundaries within science are being addressed.

About the AAAS Annual Meeting

Founded in 1848, the American Association for the Advancement of Science is the world’s largest multi-disciplinary science society, fulfilling its mission to advance science, engineering, and innovation throughout the world for the benefit of all people through a broad array of initiatives focused on communication, public engagement, education, scientific responsibility, public policy, and science diplomacy.

The AAAS Annual Meeting offers a unique, exciting, interdisciplinary blend of more than 120 scientific sessions, plenary and topical lectures, flash talk sessions, e-poster presentations, and international exhibit hall. Each year, the community of leading scientists, educators, policymakers, and journalists gathers to discuss cutting-edge developments in science, technology, and policy.

Event Information

February 14 to 17, 2019

Washington, DC
Organizer(s): American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)