The Role of Blockchain in the Energy Transition

The promise of blockchain technology for the energy sector is critical – by linking up distributed energy resources such as PV rooftop installations, heat pumps, electric vehicles or electricity storage, blockchains could improve system reliability, reduce operating costs, and allow consumers to share in the economic surpluses arising from better resource utilization. The panel of experts will discuss and analyze the maturity of technologies and projects in the United States and Germany.
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Watch the panel discussion with
Prof. Dr. Jens Strüker
Managing Director of the Institute for Energy Economics INEWI Fresenius University of Applied Sciences
Scott Kessler
Director, LO3 Energy
Colleen Metelitsa
Grid Edge Analyst, GTM Research
Ashley Pilipiszyn
PhD Student, Stanford University SLAC
Andrew Reid
Senior Planning Analyst, Utility of the Future, Con Edison
moderated by
Prof. Dr. Jens Strüker
Fresenius University of Applied Sciences
Event Information
June 18, 2018, 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
New York, NY
Organizer(s): German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH NY), Hochschule Fresenius University of Applied Sciences
335 Madison Ave
New York, NY 10017
United States