Feelings Over Facts: A New Look at Language and Political Psychology

There is an effective way to talk across political divides, and Dr. Joris Lammers and Dr. Matt Baldwin have the data to prove it. Their research unearths how conservatives’ and liberals’ views of policies are affected by language and framing.
Climate change, racial justice, mask wearing in the pandemic: people across the political spectrum are more likely to agree on policies when these are framed to fit their ideology. Join us Wednesday, June 23 to learn:
- Why facts alone are not persuasive
- How understanding each other’s perspective helps to overcome differences and reduce polarization
- How to communicate effectively with audiences across the political spectrum
Hear about the experiences of a German-American research collaboration —one that seeks to better understand how to bridge political divides and unlock the keys to successful diplomacy and mutual understanding.
About the Speakers:

Joris Lammers is a social psychologist based at the University of Cologne and Chair of the research group in political psychology. His research focuses on social power, moral psychology and sexism & gender. He studies behavioral foundations of the political economy as an investigator in the cluster of excellence ECONtribute at the University of Cologne.Prof. Dr. Joris Lammers

Matthew Baldwin is a social-quantitative scientist based at the University of Florida. As a member of the research faculty in psychology, he studies how basic mental processes shape the self and society and looks at authenticity, nostalgia, and politics, using big data to uncover broad social patterns. He completed a DFG postdoctoral research at the University of Cologne.Prof. Dr. Matthew Baldwin
Event Recording

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With Welcome Remarks by:
Dr. Eva Bosbach, Executive Director, University of Cologne New York Office
Dana Cowlishaw, Program Coordinator, DFG Office North America
Dr. Benjamin Becker, Managing Director, AmerikaHaus NRW e.V.
Moderated by:
Dr. Kathrin DiPaola, Program Manager, DWIH New York
The web-talk and Q&A will be held online on Webex Meetings. The event is free, but registration is required; a special access link to the meeting will be sent out the morning of the event. For help on how to join a Webex Meeting, see our step-by-step guide.
This event highlights the work of the Cluster of Excellence ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy at the University of Cologne, funded by the German Research Foundation.
The Transatlantic Tandem Talks are presented on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the North America office of the University of Cologne in New York in cooperation with its partners, the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany New York; the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Washington, D.C.; Deutsches Haus at NYU; DAAD New York; the German Research Foundation (DFG) North America; the German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH) New York; 1014 Space for Ideas; the Goethe-Institut New York; AmerikaHaus NRW; and Wunderbar Together.
Event Information
June 23, 2021, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Organizer(s): German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH) New York, University of Cologne New York Office, DFG