DWIH Future Forum 2019

Full event details at dwih-futureforum.com.
AI is not the future; it’s right now. The term comes up daily in headlines, conference titles, videos, tweets and policy papers. Yet amid this constant discourse, “AI” remains a slippery, transient term with varying definitions. To most from the tech industry, “AI” represents opportunity. But to some people, the term connotes uncertainty and fear.
The 2019 DWIH Future Forum brings together German and American AI decision-makers–from researchers and regulators to industry professionals, journalists and even skeptics–to demystify AI.
Right now, as AI technology is being developed, as public discourse around it is being shaped, and as regulations that will drive and frame AI are being created, we come together to understand: What is AI? Who is it for? And what do we want our future to look like?
Join us November 17-18 in New York City, the middle point between Silicon Valley and Germany, the hub of American cultural influence and the capital of the global economy, to explore the future of AI, an uncharted territory increasingly mapped onto our everyday.
To stay informed, sign up for our Future Forum Mailing List.
The 2019 DWIH Future Forum is the first installment of what is intended to become an annual conference on a pressing issue of science, technology and society by the DWIH New York.
Check out the highlight reel:

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Event Information
November 17 to 18, 2019
Brooklyn, New York
Organizer(s): German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH NY)