Sustainable Megacities: Health, Risks, Resources - Part 1

Urbanization is fundamentally changing societies and landscapes in Asia. Yet the impact of major transformation processes is only partly understood. A deeper understanding of mega-urban governance, management, and culturally adapted forms of participation in civil societies is required to develop more sustainable ways of managing multiple risks and health challenges.
In this one-hour web-talk with audience Q&A, our experts will present their work on health and risk management in South and Southeast Asia.
Watch the full web-talk below:

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This event is the first in a four-part series organized by the North American liaison offices of the German universities of Cologne, Freiburg, and Heidelberg.

Frauke Kraas is Professor for Human Geography at the Institute of Geography, University of Cologne, Germany. Her research interests focus on (mega)urban and regional development, transformation processes, urban heritage, urban health and disaster risk research in Southeast Asia and India. She is chair of the expert network “ForUm for Urban Future in Southeast Asia”.Prof. Dr. Frauke Kraas, University of Cologne

Carsten Butsch works as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Cologne. For the last 14 years he has been working in the field of urban health, starting with his PhD research on access to health care in Pune, India. His continuous work in interdisciplinary projects focuses on issues related to urban health systems in India (access to healthcare, health monitoring) and urban health risks (India and Indonesia). In his post-doctoral research (habilitation), he worked on the transnational networks, practices and identities of Indian migrants in Germany. Currently, he is principal investigator in a project analysing periurban transformations in three Indian megacities: Pune, Kolkata and Hyderabad. Carsten Butsch is the speaker of the study groups on “Medical and Health Geography” and “South Asia” of the German Geographic Society, he is member of the board of the “Association for geography at universities and research organisations in German speaking countries” (VGDH) and member of the Commission on research on pandemics of the German Research Foundation (DFG).Dr. Carsten Butsch, University of Cologne
Event Information
November 20, 2020, 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM
Organizer(s): University of Cologne New York Office, University of Freiburg, Heidelberg University, German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH NY)