Science Diplomacy

The last decade has seen an increased move to integrate scientific research and foreign policy. From issues like vaccine development, space exploration, and climate resilience – scientific cooperation lies at the center of tackling the many challenges facing policymakers and global citizens today.

The term “science diplomacy” (SD) is often used to describe a set of activities at the intersection of science, technology and foreign diplomacy. In the shifting landscape of international relations and global policymaking, the role and concept of science diplomacy continues to develop and can encompass various approaches: diplomacy for science, science for diplomacy and science in diplomacy.

See also: Our page about the Sustainable Development Goals.

Call for Chapters: Science Diplomacy in an Era of Technological Disruption

The DWIH New York intends to publish, in collaboration with Martin Wählisch – who leads the United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (UN DPPA) Innovation Cell in New York – an edited volume tentatively titled “Science Diplomacy in an Era of Technological Disruption.”

Please find all details in this PDF.

The Call for Chapters was open in February/March 2024 and is now closed.

A preparatory book workshop for the participating authors took place in a hybrid format on May 10, 2024.

The DWIH New York sees itself as a branch of Germany’s science diplomacy arm with the goal of encouraging regional, transatlantic, and international science collaboration between stakeholders. By organizing events and programming at the intersection of research, industry, and policymaking, the DWIH New York strives to enable multilateral knowledge-exchange on the most pressing challenges of our future.  
Science Diplomacy at the DWIH New York

As one of the six German Centers for Research and Innovation overseen by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) the DWIH New York looks to the DAAD in shaping its approach to science diplomacy.

In July 2022, the DAAD published a position paper “Science Diplomacy for a Multipolar World” on the development of Germany’s foreign science policy in response to various crises in world politics. In the paper, the DAAD proposes the design and expansion of a “new science diplomacy.” This new SD would expand beyond a value-based and value-conscious science diplomacy to an interest-driven realpolitik which confronts global issues, dislocations, and system rivalries in a regionally differentiated and risk-reflexive manner.

In November 2023, the DAAD published an interview with the DWIH New York Head of Programs Dr. Jan Lüdert titled “A best-practice model for cooperation” discussing the contribution of the DWIHs to SD.

With respect to both multilateralism and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) this “new science diplomacy” is driven by globally couched responsibilities and a deep commitment to a sustainable and an intergenerational future in a networked world which requires multilateral cooperation.

Learn more about what science diplomacy means for the DWIH New York by perusing the links below or by attending one of our science diplomacy events.

Event “Science Diplomacy in International Organizations”

For this expert discussion and networking event on November 30, 2022, we brought together experts from leading research institutions, the United Nations, universities, and non-governmental organizations to consider the role of various actors in today’s multilateralism and to unpack the relevance of science diplomacy for international organizations.

Video interview about SD following the event

Video interview about SD following the event

To play the video, click the thumbnail. Once activated data will be transmitted to the respective provider. Watch on YouTube

Knowledge Diplomacy Conference 2023 in Paris - Contribution DWIH New York

Knowledge Diplomacy Conference 2023 in Paris - Contribution DWIH New York

To play the video, click the thumbnail. Once activated data will be transmitted to the respective provider. Watch on YouTube

Selected past events around the topic of Science Diplomacy

Strengthening the Science-Policy-Society Interface: An Analytical Framework for Science Diplomacy in an Era of Accelerating Technological Change

Science-Policy Brief for the Multistakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs in May 2024, written by DWIH New York Head of Programs Dr. Jan Lüdert.

Read and download the PDF.

Interview "A best-practice model for cooperation" - DAAD letter

In November 2023, the DAAD published an interview with the DWIH New York Head of Programs Dr. Jan Lüdert titled “A best-practice model for cooperation” discussing the contribution of the DWIHs to SD.

Links to the interview: English or German

Science Diplomacy for a Multipolar World

This DAAD publication outlines a vision for a “new science diplomacy” which:

  1. Contributes to civil society dialogue in partner countries
  2. Is based on sustainable solutions to global challenges
  3. Meets German interests, such as innovation needs, through the consolidation of transatlantic ties and by involving intergovernmental organizations

Download “Science Diplomacy for a Multipolar World” (0.2 MB, EN, PDF)

DAAD Strategy 2025

Read the DAAD Strategy 2025 for more information on how the DAAD is “dedicated to shaping international academic relations and foreign academic policy in the age of the Anthropocene.”

In September 2023, DAAD President Mukherjee visited Columbia and gave a speech with a focus on SD at the Universidad Externado de Colombia in Bogotá. Link to the article (in German).

Strategy Paper on Science Diplomacy by the German Federal Foreign Office

This strategy paper on Science Diplomacy published by the German Federal Foreign Office in December 2020 aims to anchor cooperative relationships involving foreign policy, science, citizen science, and science communication in sustainable international processes through an engaged civil society.

Download the Strategy Paper (0.4 MB, DE, PDF)

Science Diplomacy - Video by the German Federal Foreign Office

Science Diplomacy - Video by the German Federal Foreign Office

To play the video, click the thumbnail. Once activated data will be transmitted to the respective provider. Watch on YouTube

Center for Science Diplomacy - AAAS

The DWIH New York is inspired by the AAAS’s Center for Science Diplomacy and its work “to elevate the role of science in foreign policy to address national and global challenges.”

Education and Science Diplomacy Policy of the Federal Ministry for Research and Education, Germany (BMBF)

The education and science policy of the BMBF is based on three pillars:  connect, inform, and enable.

Read the full strategy

Takeaways Science Diplomacy In International Organizations

Download the Takeaways (0.1 MB, EN, PDF) for clickable links.

Takeaways SD In International Organizations


Disclaimer: The above list is indicative and neither exclusive nor exhaustive. The information provided on this page has been sourced from third party websites. The DWIH New York is not liable for the content of any websites run by third parties. The organizations listed here have not been asked for their permission to feature this information. By featuring these reports the DWIH New York does not promote these organizations.