Germany and Canada Sign Quantum Computing Agreement

A memorandum signed by German and Canadian institutions establishes a German-Canadian network for quantum computing and data analytics.
In June 2018 members of Germany’s Helmholtz Association visited Canada for a workshop on data science and quantum computing, and there a seed for a new Canadian-German collaboration was planted. They got some institutions together and signed a Memorandum of Understanding, less formally known as an MOU. This MOU, signed by the German Helmholtz research centers DESY in Hamburg and Forschungszentrum Jülich and Canada’s TRIUMF, TRIUMF Innovations, D-Wave Systems Inc., and 1Qbit, established a German-Canadian network for quantum computing and data analytics.
The network’s goal is to facilitate international collaboration and enhance research on quantum computing, machine learning and the intersection of the two. The network includes four working groups, each focusing on four pillars of data science: quantum computing, large-scale computing, machine learning, and big data analytics. Future partners will be free to join the network as work develops.
Each network partner contributes their resources and expertise. Beyond their work toward their shared goal, the network also prioritizes the training of young scientists, and the partners are developing frameworks and funding opportunities to support this.
DESY is Germany’s largest particle-accelerator center. More at
More on the Jülich Supercomputing Center at