
If you’ve ever wanted to compare transportation offers from different providers in terms of fare and duration—combine those offers even, taking a rental bike to a train station, if that’s the fastest route, for instance—then moovel is for you!
The moovel app compares and combines mobility offers for the optimum route from A to B. Using moovel, the customer can reserve, book and pay for different modes of transport for a single route by comparing travel times and costs of public transportation, car sharing providers, rental bikes, etc.
The Stuttgart-based company has set the goal to radically simplify mobility. They are working on an operating system for urban mobility that paves the way for a future with autonomous vehicles, offering access to the most suitable and efficient transportation options. The app provides Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS), which makes local transportation more attractive for people who previously found it inflexible.
moovel is a partner to cities, transit authorities, and its customers. The company aims to help transform cities by providing convenient and sustainable mobility solutions. The app launched in 2012 and is being used in 20 cities worldwide by more than 6 million users.
As part of a new joint venture from the BMW Group and Daimler AG, moovel is being integrated into the global mobility powerhouse Reach Now, which is already serving Portland and Seattle. Keep an eye on them for updates!