The Latest from Our Supporters

© Ambika Singh

Check out the upcoming events and latest research from the DWIH Network.


  • Key Drivers of Future Smart Cities | July 7 and 21 | German U15:
    Co-organised by the UK Science and Innovation Network Germany (SIN), the German U15, the Imperial College London and BABLE, a young Fraunhofer Morgenstadt spin-off, this event series explores the special roles that universities, research and innovation will play in the future of urban areas.
  • Transnational Feminist Dialogues in Times of Corona Crisis | July 7 and 14 | Freie Universität Berlin:
    During the lockdown, sexualized violence reaches alarming levels. The Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies hosts an online discussion about perspectives and challenges that the current Corona crisis brings along from a feminist and transnational point of view.
  • Confronting COVID-19 Through Innovation and Research: Lessons Learned from the Pandemic | July 8 | Hasso Plattner Institut:
    As part of the United Nations 75th anniversary initiative (UN75), the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) is holding a global conversation with scholars, educators, researchers and students to discuss their priorities for the future, obstacles to achieving them, and the role of global academic cooperation in rethinking global issues.
