HPI and UP Invite Applications for 6 Professorships in Computer Science

The joint Digital Engineering Faculty of the University of Potsdam and the Hasso Plattner Institute invites applications for six professorships in Computer Science to be filled as soon as possible.
We are looking for you if you have recently defended your excellent dissertation and published your first further publications (W1) or if you have already been a postdoc for some time and ideally already supervise your own research group (W2). All six professorships are with tenure-track. We welcome applicants with expertise across our research clusters focused on Data and AI, Systems, Foundations, Security, and Digital Health. We offer an attractive and stimulating position in the vibrant, collaborative, and engaging HPI community with reliable funding and abundant opportunities to cultivate your research, to exchange ideas with our carefully selected group of students. Teaching can be done in German or English. Please submit your application by September 15, 2023.
Further Information can be found here: