© UHH/Keller
Research at the Universität HamburgRisks of Energy Production: From Where Should we Import Hydrogen?
Green hydrogen production requires water and renewable energy. The southern hemisphere presents particularly good geophysical conditions. Prof. Dr. Franziska Müller is investigating the risks that need to be considered in countries such as South Africa, Morocco, or Chile as part of the German Research Foundation funded research project H2POLITICS.
© TUM Hyperloop
TUM HyperloopPublic Transportation at 745 MPH
In the next years, the topic of effective and sustainable transportation will become increasingly important. Global technological trends change our daily mobility practices. One of these trends in the field of traffic development is the hyperloop. TUM Hyperloop is a project from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and was launched in 2015 as a student initiative. The goal is to develop a climate-neutral high-speed ground transportation system based on the hyperloop concept.
© Aerofarms
AerofarmsThe World’s Largest Indoor, Vertical Farm
As urban populations continue to grow so does concern about how to feed them. Global warming only exacerbates fears. Heat and water stress, extreme weather and unpredictable seasons threaten food production. In response, urban agriculturists are innovating. One solution: vertical farms.
© Hester Street
Hester StreetPeople-Focused City Building
When speaking of urban planning, many think of policymakers, architects and engineers. Hester Street, a nonprofit based is New York City, thinks of people. Their goal is to recenter urban planning, design and development on communities and residents, the people and places for which cities are built.
© Forschungszentrum Juelich/Hendrik Fuchs
Juelich Institute of Energy and Climate ResearchBuilding the Atmosphere
Scientists at the Juelich Institute of Energy and Climate Research are investigating the intermingling of natural and man-made gases in the atmosphere using the simulation chamber SAPHIR.
© Farideh Fotografie
right. based on science’s Economic Climate-Impact ModelHow Much Are You Contributing to Climate Change?
Precisely how do individuals, companies and institutions contribute to climate change? That is the question the climate model developed by Hannah Helmke and Dr. Sebastian Müller (pictured) of right. based on science answers.
© Shutterstock
LPJmL Model, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact ResearchBiosphere Modeling to Feed the World
Using an innovative biosphere model, researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) have determined that with agricultural reforms the earth can feed 10 billion people.
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